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Good Shepherd Nursery, Belfast Co. Antrim

Surestart: Message Of The Month

12th May 2020

Dump your dummy! Download the fact sheet produced bt the PHA with some ideas on how to deal with the dummy! 

 The fact sheet was developed by speech and language therapists and aims to provide ideas on how parents can manage their child’s use of the dummy so that it doesn’t affect his or her speech.

It advises parents to use a dummy only when their baby is tired, upset or trying to get to sleep, and to reduce dummy use by the time the baby is six to nine months old. Children over one year do not need a dummy.

Parents supply some top tips, too, including: ‘I take it out when she’s playing’, ‘My child swapped it for a small toy’ and ‘Don’t give in’.

A Little princess story -I Want My Dummy