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Good Shepherd Nursery, Belfast Co. Antrim

February Eco News


 February News

  • Children will investigate and become involved in a variety of seed planting learning experiences, either indoors or outdoors, both individually or in group activities. Children will be introduced to cress, herbs, marigolds, peppers, parsnips and radishes.
  • Children will investigate and notice how our hyacinth and daffodil bulbs are progressing.
  • Continue to allow children opportunities to cut a variety of fruit and vegetable in different areas of play,(sand, water, dough, mud kitchen, art) having time to explore and experiment and discuss, colour, size, shape, taste and texture.
  • Offer children learning experiences with magnifying glasses/bug catchers to investigate all types of living/non living things in our outdoor areas.
  • Children will have time to explore our minibeast /wildlife house, having access to a wide variety of Eco fact/fiction books, gardening and wildlife magazines that teach about the world around them, living things and nature.
  • Children are encouraged to look, observe, investigate and explore minibeasts that are found in our grounds. Finding them in our bug hotels and under tree stumps.
  • Children will learn about the importance of minibeast in their world-biodiversity theme.
  • Continuing to develop our theme of healthy living by reading fact/fiction books connected to this theme and taking part in activities that promote and enhance this.
  • Children will take part in our Jump, Jiggle and Jive classes.
  • Parents and children will participate together in our Art programme-“Tree Of Life.”