Access Keys:

Good Shepherd Nursery, Belfast Co. Antrim


Children will continue to investigate our garden area , looking at the growth of seeds/bulbs we planted during 1st term

We will regularly weed our large planters ,noticing the difference in weeds from plants or flowers

We will model appropriate language and discuss how to look after vegetables, tomatoes, radishes, cress and spring onions and what is needed.

we will plant Sunflower seeds in recycling pots, learning how to make them using old newspaper. (Daily Home challenge)

Children will continue to ensure bug hotel is well stocked with leaves, hedging and greenery. (make a bug hotel at home)

Planting summer bedding plants in hanging baskets/pots.

Eco display boards kept up to date and messages shared via seesaw with families

we will Continue to offer a wide range of fact/fiction books and learning experiences connected to Eco these of healthy living, outdoor learning and biodiversity.

Children will be involved in a waste audit -getting ready for our Big Wheelie Bin Challenge

Children will create displays about “The rubbish monster”

Children will take part in our regular Jump, Jiggle & Jive /Sonal Sports sessions that promote healthy living,

Weekly themes are linked to our Eco topics.