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Good Shepherd Nursery, Belfast Co. Antrim

Open days!

30th Aug 2020

What a week we've had. Thank you to all the parents and children who visited Good Shepherd Nursery School this week as part of our transition week. 

We've got to say we are thankful that all parents have been so supportive in following all our new covid procedures, wearing facemasks, following the one way system, being on time, allowing temperature checks and answering covid related questions, we totally understand how anxious everyone has been in preparation for your child beginning nursery school! 

As you were told at the meetings we will try and make you and your child's experience at Good Shepherd Nursery School as normal and routine as possible.

The children were amazing and we are so glad that many of you used the special settling in video to allow the children to become more familiar with their new environment.

Please continue to check your seesaw app to ensure you are up to date with any new guidance that we send, as things are changing and we must adapt at a very quick pace.

Have a look at the children enjoying their very special moments on their open days.