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Good Shepherd Nursery, Belfast Co. Antrim

Lock Down Class of 2020!!

23rd Jun 2020


It’s time to say farewell!

We were truly devastated when lock down came and meant that we couldn’t be with our little shepherds in the last term of nursery school, a term when our little people each come into their own and their confidence soars.

It was such a pleasure to teach all our special little Shepherds and watch them grow with you at home during the last few months.

Thank you so much to everyone who took part in all our daily challenges ,we certainly had some laugh out loud moments!! We hope the ideas, links and support helped your child grow and we think we have created a few teachers in the making!

The year is now coming to an end and even though your children have grown without our hands on help this term, it has been a privilege to see their personalities grow day by day.

We hope that you enjoyed our special Leavers Graduation.

We wish all our Little Shepherds continued success as they progress on their educational journey and hope to see many of them return for a visit when they start big school in September.