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Good Shepherd Nursery, Belfast Co. Antrim

Adult Led September Curriculum planners

6th Sep 2020

See our September adult led planners to become familiar with what we are hoping to offer your child and what we hope them to achieve in their first month of Nursery school.

Our main thrust in these early days is to focus on our children's well being.  Our aim is to ensure our children are sure that they know they are loved for being unique and precious individuals! Parents and grandparents clearly have a crucial role to play in letting children know that they are unconditionally loved, but we believe our team in Good Shepherd Nursery School have our role to play too in showing our children that they are loved and it is through our nurturing ethos that we can hope to deliver this.

We couple this adult led planning with opportunities for child led planning within the constraints of Covid. We ensure that our children’s emotional development is  supported and are able to guide them in making their own choices. We hope to enhance their independence skills within the nursery setting and hope that we create an caring supporting ethos that our children will feel safe and secure in this transitional time.