October Eco News

- Teaching the children to become more confident in their space and have a growing awareness of nature and biodiversity all around them.
- We will focus on dark nights, how to keep safe(linked to our Transport theme) and Eco concepts through our Halloween theme.
- Introduce colours(orange and black) into as many recyclable materials and resources as possible.
- Discuss different types of nocturnal creatures using big/small fact and fiction books.
- Talk to the children about the animals that hibernate in the Autumn/Winter time.
- Our children will gain knowledge in the difference of day and night time and the importance of a Good Bed time routine with lots of sleep.
- Take part in our Big Bedtime Read evening.
- We will teach our children about keeping safe in the dark-wearing reflective materials.
- Investigating what type of plants we could plant in winter Autumn time.
- Continuing to look after the plants we have in our gardens by watering, weeding.
- Offering lots of Eco art activities connected to our Healthy living, outdoor learning and biodiversity Eco themes.
- Taking part in our trip to Wallace park, noticing the changes in the seasons, collecting natural resource to use in our play.
Good Shepherd Nursery, 11 Good Shepherd Road, Belfast Co. Antrim BT17 0PL
Phone: (028) 90 301684 | Email: goodshepherdns@yahoo.co.uk