December News

Our aim for December is to focus on the children's' environment/biodiversity talk about Christmas colours/shapes/Christmas trees/holly/mistletoe/birds/berries for birds and animals
- We will discuss and teach about the animals that hibernate in winter-hedgehog campaign.
- Focus on our garden areas, talk about how wet and cold the different types of grounds are.
- Welcome the Eco -recycling Elf from Belfast City Council
- Preparing our flower/vegetable beds and planters, clearing out old soil.
- Discussing Textures ,materials and resources relating to Christmas and winter.
- Explaining about snow fall and how it forms (weather permitting)
- Learning experiences in the snow, watching it melt, making footprints and using it in our art experiences.
- Discussing keeping warm, wearing suitable clothing and foot wear.
- Looking forward to the Christmas holiday and keeping safe-celebrations
- Preparing to make bird feeders and filling the squirrel boxes before we leave for the holiday
- Taking part in Forest School Programme -Dressing a Tree Day, achieving 2 points.
Good Shepherd Nursery, 11 Good Shepherd Road, Belfast Co. Antrim BT17 0PL
Phone: (028) 90 301684 | Email: